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The “reluctant” admiral: Damad Halil Pasha and the Ottoman navy (1595-1598)   27

                    assigned the sancak of Selanik to a certain Ahmed Beğ . Such inde-
                    cisiveness in the appointments seems to occur between distant regions
                    as well. For instance, Halil Pasha dismissed in April 1596 the governor
                    of Naxos, Ali Beğ, and appointed him to the important Eastern Medi-
                    terranean sancak of Dimyat (Damietta) in Egypt. However, one month
                    later, Halil Pasha revoked this decision and maintained Ali Beğ in the
                    Aegean as the governor of Mezistre .
                       Halil Pasha also brought palace-related individuals to some maritime
                    posts and was also influential in obtaining for his protégés significant
                    positions in the Palace. When the governor of Naxos was appointed to
                    Damietta, Naxos was given to a certain Hızır Çavuş, who belonged to the
                    çavuş corps of the Sublime Porte (dergâh-ı âlî çavuşlarından) . In May
                    1596, Halil Pasha appointed a certain İbrahim Ağa as the new tersane
                    ağası , who was defined as a müteferrika in the Palace (dergâh-ı âlî müte-
                    ferrikalarından) . In October 1597, the tersane emini, who had been ap-
                    pointed by the intervention of the enderun in 1595, was dismissed and
                    replaced by a former kapucılar kâtibi (secretary of the palace guards),
                    again probably by the intervention of the court .
                       The registers also indicate that Halil Pasha wrote petitions to place
                    some of his men in the müteferrika and çavuş corps of the Sublime
                    Porte. In March 1596, Halil Pasha had his own kapucıbaşı Atâullah,
                    who was simultaneously a çavuş of the Sublime Porte, elevated to the
                    position of müteferrika in the Palace . In June 1596, Halil Pasha re-
                    quested from the sultan that his dismissed tersane ağası, defined as
                    one of his oldest veterans, be included in the corps of dergâh-ı âlî müte-
                    ferrikaları, on the basis of his outstanding efforts in gathering provi-
                    sions  for  sultan’s  fleet .  In  March  1596,  Halil  Pasha  requested  for

                       86  «Livâ-i Biga: vezîr kapudan Halil Paşa arzıyla forsa gemisi olan Selanik beği Mustafa
                    Beğ’e virilmek buyuruldı». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, 13 Ramazan 1004 (11 May 1596), p. 96.
                       87   «Livâ-i  Dimyât:  vezîr  kapudan  Halil  Paşa  arzıyla  Nakşa  beği  Ali  Beğ’e  virilmek
                    buyuruldı». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, gurre-i Ramazan 1004 (29 April 1596), p. 86; «livâ-i
                    Mezistre: kapudan Halil Paşa arzıyla sâbıkan Nakşa beği olan Ali Beğ’e buyuruldı». BOA,
                    A.RSK.d 1474, gurre-i Şevval 1004 (29 May 1596), p. 111.
                       88  «Livâ-i Nakşa: dergâh-ı âlî çavuşlarından Hızır Çavuş’a virilmek buyuruldı». BOA,
                    A.RSK.d 1474, gurre-i Ramazan 1004 (29 April 1596), p. 86.
                       89  Tersane Ağası is an important administrator rank in the arsenal.
                       90  «Ağalık-ı Tersâne-i Âmire dergâh-ı âlî müteferrikalarından İbrahim Ağa’ya virilüb...».
                    BOA, A.NŞT.d 1140, 11 Ramazan 1004 (9 May 1596), p. 145.
                       91  Selaniki, Tarih-i Selaniki cit., p. 709.
                       92  «Müteferrikalık-ı dergâh-ı âlî: kapudan vezîr Halil Paşa tezkire gönderüb…kapucıbaşısı
                    olan dergâh-ı âlî çavuşlarından Atâullah’a virilmek ricâsın arz itmeğin kanun üzere virilsün
                    deyu buyuruldı». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, Receb 1004 (March 1596), p. 61.
                       93   «Vezîr  kapudan  Halil  Paşa  hazretleri  mektûb  gönderüb  kendünün  kadîm
                    emekdarlarından  olub  tersâne  ağası  olan  (?)  içün  yarar  olub  donanma-i  hümâyûn
                    mühimmâtı tedâriğinde hayli hidmet etmişdür deyu dergâh-ı âlî müteferrikalarına ilhâk
                    olunmasın rica itmeğin». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, 12 Şevval 1004 (9 June 1596), p. 123.

                                                  Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Aprile 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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