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26                                                     Evrim Türkçelik

                çavuşbaşı at dergâh-ı âlî (Sublime Porte), was appointed to the sancak
                of Mezistre but later Mezistre was given back to the son of its previous
                governor .  A  few  months  later,  in  May  1596,  Halil  Pasha  changed
                again the sancakbeyi of Mezistre by replacing him with one of the pre-
                vious governors of Nakşa (Naxos) . Nevertheless, there were also mar-
                itime sancaks with extraordinarily stable administration during Halil
                Pasha’s admiralty. The most notable was the sancak of İnebahtı (Le-
                panto), opposite Patras. The registers show that Budak Beğ, who had
                previously held the sancak of Mezistre, was the sancakbeyi of İnebahtı
                in 1595 and joined Halil Pasha’s naval expedition in 1596 with this
                status. Budak Beğ, thanks to his services in this expedition, was given
                in January 1597 an important increase in his income and was con-
                ceded in February 1597 the sancak of İnebahtı for life .
                   Halil Pasha’s personal intervention in the appointments through
                his own petitions is primarily observed in 1596 on the eve of the first
                and only campaign he participated in as admiral. Some of these ap-
                pointments clearly aimed at strengthening the maritime defence in the
                Aegean. In April and June 1596, Halil Pasha petitioned the sultan to
                appoint two hassa kapudanı (captains in charge of galleys belonging
                to  the  sultan)  as  sancakbeyi  to  the  important  maritime  districts  of
                Kocaeli and Sakız (Chios, Greece). The sancakbeyi of Kocaeli, Mehmed
                Beğ, who probably ruled this district in the previous administration,
                was dismissed and replaced by a certain hassa kapudanı Ahmed, a
                veteran marine that owned a perfectly equipped galley. Another hassa
                kapudanı called Memi  was given the government of Sakız in place of
                Musa Beğ, who had governed this district several times in 1594 . The
                sancak of Selanik (Salonica, Greece) was given on April 19, 1596, upon
                the request of Halil Pasha, to a certain Mustafa Beğ, the ex-governor
                of the sancak of Biga, so that he protected the surroundings of Selanik
                with his galley . Nevertheless, in less than a month, Halil Pasha ap-
                pointed  the  same  Mustafa  Beğ  back  to  the  sancak  of  Biga,  and

                   80  Selaniki, Tarih-i Selaniki cit., p. 556.
                   81  «Livâ-i Mezistre: kapudan Halil Paşa arzıyla sâbıkan Nakşa beği olan Ali Beğ’e
                buyuruldı [the district of Mezistre is conceded to Ali Beğ, previous beğ of Nakşa, with
                the petition of the admiral Halil Pasha]». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, Şevval 1004 (May 1596),
                p. 111.
                   82  «Livâ-i İnebahtı…Budak Beğ’e girü kayd-ı hayatla buyuruldı [The district of Le-
                panto…is given to Budak Beğ back for lifetime]». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, 26 Cemâziyelâhir
                1005 (14 February 1597), p. 202.
                   83  It is uncertain whether this Memi was Arnavud Memi.
                   84  BOA, A.NŞT.d 1140, 15 Şaban 1004 (9 April 1596), p. 140; BOA, A.NŞT.d 1140,
                9 Şevval 1004 (6 June 1596), p. 150.
                   85  «Vezîr Halil Paşa arzıyla Biga sancağından ma‘zûl Mustafa Beğ kadırgasıyla Se-
                lanik etraflarını muhâfaza itmek üzere…». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, 20 Şaban 1004 (19 April
                1596), p. 79.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Aprile 2023
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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