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28                                                     Evrim Türkçelik

                Abdi, a zeamet-holder and one of his senior men, a post in dergâh-ı âlî
                çavuşluğu by sending a tezkire praising his worth . In February 1597,
                he sent another tezkire on behalf of a certain zeamet-holder called Os-
                man requesting his inclusion into the palace çavuş corps for his ser-
                vices  in  the  Ottoman  navy  during  the  previous  years’  naval  cam-
                paign . Some records even indicate that Halil Pasha’s close relatives
                were already enrolled in the çavuş corps. Halil Pasha’s nephew Mus-
                tafa was a dergâh-ı âlî çavuşu and was promoted to an unspecified
                sancak in 1598. After this promotion, the vacant çavuş position was
                maintained within the family and was given to one of his relatives,
                Mehmed, who himself was already a zeamet-holder .
                   These pieces of evidence demonstrate that Halil Pasha was an im-
                portant part of the patronage network and clientage, which he used
                effectively during his time as grand admiral. Halil Pasha, as a damad
                with strong alliance with the dynasty, not only allowed the Palace to
                intervene in appointments in his own sphere of influence, but also
                placed his own kapu halkı and even his blood relatives in important
                positions of the Palace, with a certain tendency to nepotistic practices.
                An important aspect of his office is that the sancakbeyi appointments
                in the kapudan pasha province reflect the general characteristic insta-
                bility  of  the  provincial  offices  of  the  period.  However,  although  the
                sancakbeyi appointments and dismissals were frequent and the dura-
                tion  of  office  grew  shorter,  the  sancakbeyis  were  generally  chosen
                among the governors of the same province, who were familiar with the
                particular  problems  of  their  region,  thus,  showing  the  importance
                given to experience and merit. In fact, long terms of office, like that of
                Budak Beğ, could also be seen, but these were exceptions effected es-
                pecially in strategically important sancaks such as İnebahtı. In this
                sense, Arnavud Memi’s instability in the provincial posts, but ironi-
                cally, his stable position in the command of the navy, is actually illus-
                trative of the tension between meritocracy and the prevailing political
                facts and trends of the period.

                   94   «Kapudan  Halil  Paşa  tezkire  gönderüb  kendü  emekdar  adamlarından  olub  zü-
                emadan  olan  Abdi  içün  yarardır  deyu  dergâh-ı  âlî  çavuşluğu  rica  itmeğin».  BOA,
                A.RSK.d 1474, Receb 1004 (March 1596), p. 62.
                   95   «Çavuşluk-ı  dergâh-ı  âlî:  kapudan  Halil  Paşa  tezkiresiyle  züemadan  Osman’a
                donanma-i hümâyûnda hidmetde bulunmağın…». BOA, A.RSK.d 1474, Cemâziyelâhir
                1005 (February 1597), p. 80.
                   96   «Çavuşluk-ı  dergâh-ı  âlî:  vezîr  Halil  Paşa’nın  karındaşı  oğlu  olub  dergâh-ı  âlî
                çavuşlarından  sancağa  çıkan  Mustafa  Çavuş’un  çavuşluğu  akrabâsından  zaim
                Mehmed’e virülsün deyu…». BOA, EV.HMH.d 39, Zilkade 1006 (July 1598), p. 13b.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Aprile 2023
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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