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The “reluctant” admiral: Damad Halil Pasha and the Ottoman navy (1595-1598)   23

                    to the sancaks (districts) belonging to the province of Cezâyir-i Bahr-i
                    Sefîd . Halil Pasha’s dual function as grand admiral and vizier, as well
                    as his status as the damad of the dynasty, conferred him important
                    authority in securing appointments for the members of his own house-
                    hold and for his clients that would act in line with his policy. His net-
                    work of clients and protégés can be traced to a certain extent in Vene-
                    tian ambassadors’ dispacci and especially in Ottoman archival sources
                    such as ruûs defterleri (registers of appointments), which provide some
                    information about their professional background as well as the nature
                    of their relationship with Halil Pasha.
                       Halil  Pasha’s  first  appointments  demonstrate  his  intentions  to
                    break the influence of the previous administration and secure for his
                    own men the important positions that fell under his authority. Accord-
                    ing  to  bailo  Venier,  Halil  Pasha,  as  soon  as  he  took  the  office,  ap-
                    pointed his kapı kethüdası (maggiordomo della sua porta) as the new
                    tersane ağası (Agha of the Arsenal), thus, linking this important ad-
                    ministrative post in the arsenal to one of his closest clients . Since
                    the sultan had granted Galata as part of Halil Pasha’s kapudan pasha
                    domains, the administration of this district was directly subordinated
                    to him . Venier reported that Halil Pasha immediately replaced the
                    subaşı (governor) of Galata, who was a renegade from Messina and a
                    client of Cigalazade, with one of his own protégés, who was a renegade
                    of Venetian origin . In February, Halil Pasha made another change in
                    the  critical  posts  of  the  arsenal  by  appointing  the  koyun  emini
                    İbrahim Çavuş as the new Tersâne-i Âmire emini  in place of Derviş
                    Efendi, who had been occupying this position during Cigalazade’s ad-
                    miralty . Selaniki states that this change was realized by the inter-
                    cession of the enderûn, which hints at the direct involvement of the
                    Palace in Halil Pasha’s area of responsibility . In April, the post of

                       62  Cezâyir-i Bahr-i Sefîd was the name of the province that brought together various
                    maritime districts and the Aegean islands under the administrative command of the
                    kapudan pasha. İ. Bostan, The Establishment of the Province of Cezayir-i Bahr-i Sefid, in
                    E. Zachariadou (ed.), Kapudan Pasha, His Office and His Domain, Crete University Press,
                    Rethymnon, 2002, pp. 241-251.
                       63  «Et Aga dell’Arsenale ha fatto il maggiordomo della sua porta che qui si chiama
                    Capigilarchiaiasi». Marco Venier to the Senate, Constantinople, 31 January 1595, Asv,
                    Sdc, 40, f. 483r.
                       64  See the footnote 34.
                       65  Ivi. «egli [Halil Pasha] ha levato il carico di Subassi di Pera a un Messinese patrioto
                    del Cigala [Cigalazade] et vi ha posto un venetiano nominato Saban».
                       66  Koyun emini was the person in charge of the provision of sheeps for the palace
                    and the state.
                       67  High-level administrator in the Ottoman arsenal.
                       68  Selaniki, Tarih-i Selaniki cit., p. 442.
                       69  «Bâ-şefâ’at-ı şerîfe-i Enderûn». Ivi.

                                                  Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Aprile 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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