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The “reluctant” admiral: Damad Halil Pasha and the Ottoman navy (1595-1598)   31

                    a son-in-law of Murad III and Safiye Sultan. Ibrahim was married in
                    1586 to Ayşe Sultan, Fatma Sultan’s elder sister, and like Halil Pasha,
                    he was appointed as grand admiral one year after his marriage 110 . Alt-
                    hough Ibrahim Pasha served three times as grand vizier to Mehmed III,
                    he could not win the affection of Safiye Sultan, who, according to Leo-
                    nardo Dona, “does not seem to like him [Ibrahim Pasha] very much” 111 .
                    Cappello further commented contrasting both viziers, that Halil Pasha
                    was “greatly loved by the Queen [Safiye Sultan]”, whereas Ibrahim Pa-
                    sha was “not esteemed by her mother-in-law” 112 .
                       Halil Pasha’s greatest rival was, naturally, Cigalazade Sinan Pasha,
                    from whom he took over the admiralty but to whom he had to give back
                    three years after. The mutual antipathy and intense rivalry that existed
                    between them was so elevated that their relation was resembled by the
                    contemporaries to that of “a cat and a dog” 113 . Indeed, ever since his ap-
                    pointment, Halil Pasha had raised difficulties with Cigalazade on many
                    occasions. In the takeover of the admiralty, Halil Pasha refused to take
                    charge of the arsenal without the custody of the defterdars (treasurers of
                    the sultan) in order not to be “blamed for having robbed something that
                    could be missing” 114 . According to Halil Pasha, although the arsenal was
                    well equipped when Cigalazade succeeded Hasan the Venetian, it was
                    now in a rather neglected and deficient state “for which Cigalazade will
                    have to account, perhaps to his great detriment” 115 . Such complaints re-
                    sulted in a double disgrace for Cigalazade when the sultan dismissed him
                    in late March from the vizierate and appointed him governor of the prov-
                    ince of Cezayir-i Garb (Algiers), a clear act of downgrading and banish-
                    ment from the court 116 . This was the greatest blow Halil Pasha could have
                    inflicted on his rival because it also meant that Cigalazade would have
                    been subjected to the obedience of Halil Pasha and to his arbitrary dis-
                    cretion to appoint him elsewhere 117 . In May 1595, the sultan allowed
                    Cigalazade  to  enter  Istanbul  and  restored  his  status  as  vizier  of  the

                       110  Interestingly, the Ottoman chronicler Hasan Beyzade stated that Ibrahim Pasha was
                    dismissed because his condition as damad prevented him from sailing with the armada. E.
                    Türkçelik, Meritocracy, Factionalism and Ottoman Grand Admirals cit., p. 105.
                       111  «Che per rispetto della figlia lo sostenta assai, se ben non pare che lo ami molto».
                    Relazione di Leonardo Dona (1595) cit., p. 292.
                       112  «Tiene questo la seconda sorella del re et è grandemente amato dalla regina» and
                    «[Ibrahim] è manco stimato dalla suocera». Relazione di Girolamo Cappello (1600) cit., p. 405.
                       113  «Et perciò stanno tra di essì come il cane et la gatta». Relazione di Leonardo Dona
                    (1595) cit., p. 293.
                       114  «Non ha voluto Alil ricever alcuna cosa nell’Arsenal... sono stati presenti i
                    Defterdari  non volendo esser incolpato di haver robbato cosa che manchi». Marco Venier
                    to the Senate, Constantinople, 31 January 1595, Asv, Sdc, 40, f. 499r.
                       115  «Di che doverà render conto il Cigalla forse con suo gran danno». Ivi.
                       116  Selaniki, Tarih-i Selaniki cit., p. 462.
                       117  Marco Venier to the Senate, Constantinople, 5 April 1595, Asv, Sdc, 41, n. 9.

                                                  Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Aprile 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36