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                conducted on the friar from Agrigento, during the first half of the twen-
                tieth century aimed to clarify the role he played in the process of esta-
                blishing the observance in Sicily. Nevertheless, the contributions that
                appeared  during  this  period  were  often  based  on  unverified  infor-
                mation taken from works published during the seventeenth century
                by ecclesiastical scholars or those belonging to the Franciscan order
                itself . It was thanks to Agostino Amore’s investigations, conducted
                within the Spanish historical archives, that a substantial number of
                unpublished documents on Friar Matthew could be found. The scholar
                thus succeeded in shedding new light both on the relationships that
                subsisted between the friar from Agrigento and the Catalan-Aragonese
                sovereigns and on the preaching activity that Matthew carried out in
                a number of Iberian cities, where he was able to popularize the reli-
                gious and ethical-social aims theorized within the Observant move-
                ment . In the same years in which Amore conducted his investigations,
                Jordi Rubió i Balaguer also expressed his opinion on the presence of
                the Sicilian Franciscan in Catalonia and in the kingdom of Valéncia.
                He  contributed,  in  a  decisive  way,  in  highlighting  the  scope  of  the
                preaching carried out by Brother Matthew in the Spanish city contexts
                between the end of the 1420s and the 1440s .
                   About twenty years after the appearance of the studies of Amore
                and Rubió i Balaguer, it was Serafino Gozzo who dealt with the figure
                and  activity  of  Matthew.  His  investigations,  however,  while  they
                demonstrated the Agrigento friar’s ability to still arouse particular in-
                terest in Franciscan scholars, were unable to bring significant novel-

                   1  See the studies by A. Gioia, Notizie biografiche del Beato Matthew de Gallo da
                Girgenti dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori, tipografia Istituto Gualandi, Firenze 1923; Id.,
                I frati minori della regolare osservanza, Libreria Editrice Pantaleone, Palermo 1940,
                and Id., L’apostolato del B. Matthew d’Agrigento nella Spagna, «Frate Francesco»,
                13 (1940), pp. 38-42.
                   2  See the works of A. Amore, La predicazione del B. Matthew d’Agrigento a Bar-
                cellona e Valenza, «Archivum franciscanum historicum», 49 (1956), pp. 255-335,
                and Id., Nuovi documenti sull’attività del B. Matthew d’Agrigento nella Spagna ed in
                Sicilia,  «Archivum  franciscanum  historicum»,  52  (1959),  pp.  12-42.  The  scholar
                was also responsible for editing the edition of Matthew of Agrigento’s sermons: B.
                Matthaei  Agrigentini  OFM.,  Sermones  varii,  a  cura  di  Agostino  Amore,  Edizioni
                Francescane, Roma 1960.
                   3  Refer to J. Rubió i Balaguer, El beat Mateu d’Agrigento a Catalunya i a Valén-
                cia:  Notes  sobre  la  vida  religiosa  en  una  Cort  del  Renaixement,  «Spanische  For-
                schungen.  Reihe  1.  Gesammelte  Aufsätze  zur  Kulturgeschichte  Spaniens»,  11
                (1955), pp. 109-121. Regarding observance in Aragon, cf. the studies of C. Manci-
                nelli, Teoria e pratica economica francescana. Il convento del Santo Spirito del Monte
                (Gilet, Valencia), Aracne editrice, Roma 2017, and Ead., La observación franciscana
                en la provincia de Aragón (1380c.-1517): aproximación a un estudio, «Archivo ibero-
                americano. Revista de estudios históricos», 77 (2017), pp. 53-67.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Dicembre 2023
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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