Page 198 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 198

198                                                      Roberto Rossi

                House  inmates.  The  other  significant  element  is  the  role  played  by
                religion in the re-educational and disciplinary process. In the case of
                Mexico City Poor House the regulations provide for the pervasiveness
                of ecclesiastical offices and their total integration into the daily life of
                the inmates. This role is confirmed by the presence of two permanent
                chaplains (with a high salary compared to that of other officials of the
                institute) and by some "weekly" chaplains who had the obligation to
                attend for the carrying out of the numerous religious functions set to
                mark the time inside the Poor House. And yet, despite the importance
                given to religion in the disciplinary process, the resources set aside for
                the maintenance of ecclesiastical offices were largely inferior to those
                of the Palermo poor house, which, on the other hand, provided only
                one weekly religious service and confession once a month.
                   Finally, there is the importance of the body control that is a not
                secondary question within a mode of production conceived to extract
                labour use. The conflict between work and capital seems clarified in
                such process of extraction . The capital is only devoted to insure the
                reproduction of the means of production of the workers and, on the
                other side, to control the bodies by bio-political tools. The paid salaries
                could  be  considered  the  proof  that  we  do  not  deal  exclusively  with
                “imprisoned” work but rather we are faced with different forms of un-
                free or “almost free” work, what they are not that commodified work.

                   69  P. Thompson, Adler’s Theory of the Capitalist labour Process cit., pp. 1360-1361.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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