Page 213 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 213

Working in and for charity institutions: patterns of employment and actors   213

                       Like  other  Italian  institutions,  and  at  least  in  theory,  at  the
                    Ospedale  di  Carità  girls  could  be  also  hired  to  external  families  as
                    domestic servants . It is likely that in order to protect the girls, private
                    agreements  were  signed  between  the  institution  and  the  receiving
                    families,  with  the  consequence  that  these  records  have  not  been
                    preserved  in  the  Ospedale’s  archives.  Finally,  poor  families  were
                    encouraged  to  place  their  daughters  in  charity  institutions  also
                    because in case of marriage they would be provided with a dowry (a
                    ‘dote elemosinaria’).
                       We  cannot  establish  exactly  how  many  youths  were  trained  in
                    charity institutions. The workshop census of the city carried out in
                    1792 registered five apprentices from the Ospedale di San Giovanni
                    (‘figli dell'Ospedale’) placed with shoemakers, three in bakeries, and
                    one with a silk weaver, while 26 ‘apprentices of the Albergo di Virtù’
                    worked with silk weavers and 8 with silk stocking-makers. As in the
                    guilds, the apprentices trained in the charity institutions experienced
                    high  rates  of  mobility  to  such  a  point  that,  since  the  seventeenth
                    century, the Albergo di Virtù forbade youths from leaving before the
                    end of their apprenticeship, and prohibited masters from hiring former
                    apprentices from the Albergo who lacked their benservito certificate .
                       When evaluating the reasons of these high exit rates, we should not
                    underestimate  the  harsh  conditions  that  children  faced  and  that
                    probably  encouraged  them  to  flee,  despite  the  offered  prospects.
                    Indeed,  if  poor  families  were  ready  to  resort  strategically  to  charity
                    institutions, the life of the inmates was neither easy nor comfortable.
                    At  the  Ospedale  they  were  obliged  to  wear  a  uniform,  and  at  the
                    Soccorso, Deposito and Forzate women and girls were required to dress
                    ‘modestly and without vanity’ . A typical day in the institution was
                    organized  around  work  and  religious  education.  Discipline  was  a
                    crucial  issue:  at  the  Ospedale di Carità,  for  example,  inmates  were
                    required to go to work immediately after the bell ring, and those who
                    were late or absent lost their salary (even if they were ill). When not
                    working, adults and children were committed to pray, sing and listen
                    to the recitation of holy texts. In addition, silence had to be always

                       38  For Florence and Milan see: D. Lombardi, F. Reggiani, Da assistita a serva. Circuiti
                    di  reclutamento  delle  serve  attraverso  le  istituzioni  assistenziali  (Firenze-Milano,  XVII-
                    XVIII  sec.),  in  S.  Cavaciocchi  (ed.),  La  donna  nell’economia  secc.  XIII-XVIII,  Atti  della
                    Ventunesima  Settimana  di  Studi  dell’Istituto  Datini,  Prato,  10-15  aprile  1989,  Le
                    Monnier, Firenze, 1990, pp. 301-319.
                       39  F. A. Duboin, Raccolta, tomo 13, vol. 15, libro 7, Ricorso (…) e relativo decreto del
                    consiglio dell’Albergo col quale si vieta ai giovani ivi ricoverati d’uscirne prima del tempo
                    prefisso (…), p. 209.
                       40  M. Maritano, Le Case del Soccorso cit., p. 137.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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