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                    materials  produced .  Others  have  cautioned  against  the  seductive
                    narratives  offered  by  the  chroniclers,  without  undermining  their
                    influence .
                       Yet  there  is  a  general  agreement  that  the  political,  military  and
                    pragmatic consequences of the campaign were limited, even negligible,
                    which is one reason it has left such faint traces in general histories.
                    For recent historians of England and the German lands the conquest
                    of Tunis appears distant and irrelevant, and if mentioned at all, it is
                    dealt with briefly . There is little inducement to include the defeat of
                    two Muslim powers by a Christian-Muslim coalition in recent histories
                    of the Maghreb and the Ottoman empire . As for France, despite the
                    acceptance of Ursu’s 1908 statement that the Tunis campaign of 1535
                    led French diplomacy to take «the decisive step» to forge an alliance
                    with  the  Ottomans,  it  has  not  figured  significantly  in  recent
                    biographies  of  Francis  I.  Only  the  nature  of  the  1535-6  agreement
                    remains a matter of debate . None the less, the impression endures

                       4  Sylvie Deswarte-Rosa includes it in an article devoted to the heroic themes used
                    for  Charles  V:  L’expédition  de  Tunis  (1535):  images,  interprétations,  répercussions
                    culturelles, in B. Bennassar, R. Sauzet (eds.), Chrétiens et Musulmans à la Renaissance,
                    Honoré Champion, Paris, 1988, pp. 75-132, this at p. 96.
                       5  C. Isom-Verhaaren, Allies with the Infidel. The Ottoman and French alliance in the
                    sixteenth century, I.B. Tauris, London and New York, 2011, blames Paolo Giovio, pp.
                    144-145, 182, but as Bunes and Falomir pointed out – Carlos V, Vermeyen y la conquista
                    de Túnez cit., p. 255 – the imperialists rejected Giovio’s account. M.Á. de Bunes Ibarra,
                    Charles V and the Ottoman war from the Spanish point of view, «Eurasian Studies», 1
                    (2002), pp. 161-182.
                       6   H.  Duchhardt,  Das Tunisunternehmen  cit.,  p.  35,  begins  citing  Bernd  Moeller’s
                    comment  from  Deutschland  im  Zeiltalter  der  Reformation,  Vandenhoeck  &  Ruprecht,
                    Göttingen,  1977,  p.  140:  «Für  den  Türkenkrieg…  hatte  das  Jahr  1535  keine
                    hervorgehobene Bedeutung». It scarcely figures in R.B. Wernham, Before the Armada.
                    The growth of English foreign policy 1485-1588, Jonathan Cape, London, 1966, or in
                    J.J. Scarisbrick, Henry VIII, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1968.
                       7   For  example  J.M.  Abun-Nasr,  A  history  of  the  Maghrib  in  the  Islamic  period,
                    Cambridge  University  Press,  Cambridge,  1987,  pp.  150  and  169;  A.C.  Hess,  The
                    Forgotten Frontier, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1978, pp. 72-73. H. Inalcik,
                    The Ottoman Empire. The classical age 1300-1600, Phoenix, London, 1994, p. 36, and
                    S.N.  Faroqhi,  K.  Fleet  (eds.),  The  Cambridge  History  of  Turkey,  vol.  II.  The  Ottoman
                    Empire as a World Power, 1453-1603, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013,
                    include it indirectly with Barbarossa.
                       8   Brief  references  in  R.J.  Knecht,  Renaissance  Warrior  and  patron.  The  reign  of
                    Francis  I,  Cambridge  University  Press,  Cambridge,  1994,  pp.  234,  276  and  299;  La
                    Forêt’s mission in pp. 329-330. C. Isom-Verhaaren, Allies with the Infidel cit., mainly
                    challenges the negative vision of the 1543-4 campaign. I. Ursu, La Politique Orientale de
                    François Ier (1515-1547), H. Champion, Paris, 1908, pp. 83-96: «la politique française
                    se décida à faire le pas décisif en faveur de l’alliance franco-turque» (p. 87). This and
                    Charrière  remain  essential  reading.  References  to  the  1535-6  treaty  debate  in  D.
                    Nordman, Tempête sur Alger, L’expédition de Charles Quint en 1541, Editions Bouchene,
                    Condé-sur-Noireau, 2011, pp. 46-47.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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