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«No great glory in chasing a pirate». The manipulation of news during the 1535   423

                    begin  negotiations  with  «le  seigneur  Haradin-Begii-Baschia,  roy
                    d’Arget»,  both  as  a  sovereign  in  his  own  right  and  as  Süleyman’s
                    representative. Francis I requested financial, military and diplomatic
                    aid to regain what he considered his rightful possessions, including
                    Genoa, Milan, Asti and sovereignty over Flanders and Artois. He also
                    wanted Ottoman aid to place Janus Zapolya on the throne of Hungary
                    and prevent Charles V’s brother Ferdinand I from taking the kingdom.
                    A coordinated campaign was proposed, beginning with the conquest
                    of Genoa, on the grounds that this would enable Francis I to assist the
                    Ottoman-corsair forces to defend Tunis and Algiers, and would protect
                    the subjects, commerce and mutually beneficial enterprises of all three
                    signatories. Francis I offered to help his Muslim allies to take Corsica,

                    Sardinia and Sicily. He requested the right to choose the new king of
                    Sicily, although it was to be an Ottoman possession that would pay
                    tribute to the sultan, and suggested the island’s revenues should be
                    used to recoup the costs of the allied campaign. The three sovereigns
                    agreed  to  abide  by  the  three-year  treaty  of  commerce  while  they
                    negotiated a full offensive-defensive treaty .
                       Christian-Muslim alliances were frequent by this period, but there was
                    still opprobrium attached to them. Francis I expected criticism, and to
                    deflect this he claimed that his aim was to seek a universal peace. He also
                    publicised a list of the multiple Christian embassies to the Ottoman court
                    in  recent  years,  many  of  them  from  the  Habsburgs.  The  emperor
                    countered this with claims that his embassies were different and licit,
                    because he always informed the pope first, and acted for the defence of
                    Christendom . It seems to have made little difference, although French
                    claims  that  they  were  making  a  commercial  alliance  were  met  with
                    cynicism or derision. Henry VIII smiled when referring to the dispatch of
                    a  French  ambassador  to  the  Ottoman  court  «to  make  a  trere
                    marchande» . His chief minister, Thomas Cromwell, commented that to
                    recover Milan Francis I would call not just on the Turk but also on the
                    Devil . The emperor’s leading minister, Nicolas Perrenot de Granvelle,
                    denounced it as a mere cloak for military and political negotiations .
                       The papal nuncio at the French court, Pio di Carpi, was convinced
                    that the French were acting out of fear rather than ambition, however.

                       26  Instructions of Francis I to M. de la Forêt, 11 February 1534/5, Charrière, I, pp.
                    255-263, esp. 256-8 and 260-2.
                       27   Ang,  Carpi,  pp.  3-4,  Carpi  to  Ricalcato,  Lyon,  11  February  1535,  Charrière,  I,
                    Instructions to La Forêt, pp. 259-260. PEG, II, p. 265, Charles V to Hannart, 5 January
                       28  LP, viii, n. 189, Chapuys to Charles V, 9 February 1535.
                       29  Csp Sp, 5(1), n. 157, Chapuys to Charles V, 5-8 May 1535.
                       30  PEG, II, p. 283, Granvelle to Hannart, s.d. [January 1535].

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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