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422                                         María José Rodríguez-Salgado

                   In December 1534 Charles V issued a formal declaration that he was
                preparing a campaign against Barbarossa and the Turks . Soon after,
                the  emperor  sent  letters  to  other  monarchs,  instructions  to  his
                ambassadors  and  officials  and  materials  for  publication,  so  that  the
                world  would  know  it  was  his  intention  to  act  against  the  «common
                enemy of Christendom» . A heroic note was struck by stressing that he
                would act alone, which also justified withdrawing his promise of aid to
                the Hungarian front . But his forces were so substantial – some 25,000
                men  and  150  ships  –  that  Christian  territories  became  seriously
                alarmed . Far from stifling speculation, the vague proclamation stoked
                fear, with both Francis I and Henry VIII suspecting that they were the
                real targets . Charles V sought to reassure the English monarch by
                informing English Catholics that he could not help them for now and
                opening informal negotiations with Henry VIII, ostensibly to hinder the
                conclusion of an alliance between the English and French monarchs .
                It was enough to persuade Henry VIII to remain neutral.
                   Francis I veered from fear of the imperial forces amassing at the
                frontier, to joy at the thought that the Ottoman-Algerian threat would
                force  Charles  V  to  give  him  back  Milan .  Unable  to  persuade  the
                English to join him, he renewed his efforts to obtain a formal anti-
                Habsburg  alliance  with  Süleyman  and  Barbarossa.  An  interim
                agreement for a three-year treaty of amity was rapidly concluded with
                Barbarossa, who offered to persuade Süleyman to join the agreement.
                It was enough for Francis I to argue, as the Venetians, that he could
                not join a Christian campaign against these Muslim rulers as it would
                contravene  a  formal  alliance .  Thus  far,  however,  the  alliance  was
                only with Barbarossa and to conclude a treaty with Süleyman a formal
                embassy was sent to the Ottoman court. La Forêt, was instructed to

                   18  LP, viii, n. 18, Charles V to Chapuys, 5 January 1535.
                   19  Asm, Ag, b. 287, f. 304. Agnello informed the duke of Mantua on 7 December 1534
                that the fleet was «per rispetto di Barbarossa». PEG, II, 277, Charles V to Hannart, 5 &
                10 January 1535 to inform the French court from where it was sent to England LP, viii,
                n. 186, ca. 8 February 1535; LP, viii, n. 18, Charles V to Chapuys, 5 January 1534/5
                for Henry VIII.
                   20  KFI, V, 129 – «und yetz allain thuen muessen wider den Barbarossa, so mit allen
                des Turcken schief und gewalt auf dem mer vorhanden».
                   21  Asm, Ag, b. 588, f. 8, Agnello to the duke of Mantua, 19 January 1535.
                   22  LP, viii, n. 48, Chapuys to Charles V, 14 January 1535; n. 186 (February 1535),
                Hannart to Granvelle.
                   23  LP, viii, n. 272, Charles V to his ambassador in England, Eustace Chapuys, 26
                February 1535.
                   24   Ang,  Carpi,  11,  Rodolfo  Pio  di  Carpi  (nuncio  in  France)  to  Ambrogio  Ricalcato
                (papal secretary), 26 February 1535.
                   25   Charles  V’s  criticism  of  Francis  I’s  policies,  PEG,  II,  293-294,  to  Hannart,  25
                February 1534/5.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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