Page 216 - sfogliabile 49
P. 216

482                                              Miguel José Deyá Bauzá

                   que pecados generales
                   la Justicia en dos o tres
                   los reprime y satisface,
                   y queda el ejemplo a ser
                   castigo de los restantes (p. 25) 40 .

                   This  encounter  serves  more  than  one  purpose:  it  provides  an
                opportunity  for  Charles  to  exercise  a  degree  of  self-criticism  by
                recalling  his  own  experiences  when  the  revolt  of  the  Comuneros
                erupted.  He  attributes  it  to  his  own  mistake  in  giving  his  leading
                Flemish adviser, Chièvres, too much power . Having acknowledged
                this, he goes on to say that when he crushed the rebellion and the
                Council proposed that two hundred people be sentenced to death, he
                reduced that number to six, demonstrating his clemency. His words
                exemplify another popular aspect of Spanish Baroque theatre, which
                represented the authoritarian and hierarchical social structure as just
                and fair . It is also important to stress that the emperor refers to the
                comuneros (literally, commoners) not as traitors but as people who had
                been  deceived.  Nor  does  he  accuse  the  nobility  of  disloyalty  or
                disaffection  during  the  conflict.  In  fact  he  admits  that  he  wore  his
                Crown thanks to the behaviour of the aristocracy during that rebellion,
                something that has been challenged by historians of the period, but
                which fits with the play’s reiterated defence of the hierarchical social
                structure .

                   40  «You are cruel, ambitious, / mistrustful, inconstant / and vengeful; such features
                / are not becoming in a king / for a king cannot take revenge over everything; / The art
                of ruling is the art / of dissembling when offence is given / for as regards general sins
                /  the  Law  soon  takes  care  of  them  /  repressing  and  providing  justice  /  setting  an
                example / that serves as punishment for others».
                   41  Also at p. 25.
                   42  J.A. Maravall, Teatro cit., pp. 32-33.
                   43  Elliot characterises the nobility’s response to the revolt as cautious; Belenguer
                calls  it  inhibition,  and  Kamen  emphasises  the  division  of  the  sector  into  those  who
                collaborated with the rebels and those who repressed it. J.H. Elliot, La España Imperial,
                Vicens Vives, Barcelona, 1983, p. 161; E. Belenguer, El Imperio Hispánico (1479-1665),
                Grijalbo  Mondadori,  Barcelona,  1995,  p.  161;  H.  Kamen,  Una  sociedad  conflictiva:
                España, 1469-1714, Alianza, Madrid, 1984, p. 133. It is likely that with exceptions like
                the  great  Andalusian  noblemen  with  rights  over  large  tracts  of  land,  most  Castilian
                nobles remained passive at first, but supported the King when the rebels threatened
                their seigniorial rights and privileges. M. Rady, Carlos V, Altaya, Barcelona, 1997, pp.
                64-65.  The  repression  was  harsher  than  is  presented  in  the  play  but  it  would  have
                dented the emperor’s portrayal as morally irreproachable to have acknowledged this.
                Rivero argued that out of the 285 people excluded from the general pardon, 23 were
                executed, and that the consequences were more political than anything else. Á. Rivero,
                El mito comunero y la identidad nacional española, in B.J. García, A. Álvarez-Ossorio
                (eds.),  La  Monarquía  cit.,  p.  727.  Others  claim  it  was  severe  without  providing
                quantitative data: A.M. Bernal, Monarquía e Imperio, Crítica-Marcial Pons, Barcelona,
                2007, p. 87.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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