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The “reluctant” admiral: Damad Halil Pasha and the Ottoman navy (1595-1598)   33

                    indirect praise to Cigalazade’s Italian origins but also an indirect crit-
                    icism towards Halil Pasha through his Bosnian provenience.
                       In fact, Halil Pasha’s Mediterranean-wide image was also gradually
                    becoming an object of comparison with Cigalazade’s career. The re-
                    marks of Íñigo de Mendoza, the Spanish ambassador in Venice, are
                    illustrative as to how the Mediterranean powers perceived the differ-
                    ence between these two admirals. In 1597, Mendoza, after having in-
                    formed Philip II that it was not known who would be the head of the
                    Ottoman armada in the following summer, made the following com-
                    mentary: “if [the Ottoman armada] sets off under the order of Cigala
                    [Cigalazade], there will be much to fear and if Halil Baxa [Halil Pasha]
                    sets out with [the armada], the danger will be much less” 126 . In another
                    letter, Mendoza regarded Halil Pasha’s admiralty as a strong factor of
                    certain relief: “They write as a good news that Halil Baxa is confirmed
                    as the general of the navy, being as he is a man of no substance” 127 .
                       This international image did not take time to be reflected in Otto-
                    man  domestic  politics  when  the  political  and  military  conditions
                    started to change in 1598. The Ottoman government began to see Halil
                    Pasha’s admiralty as a factor diffusing an image of weakness in the
                    Mediterranean politics. Whereas the very name of Cigalazade, “capi-
                    tano valoroso”, was “enough to terrify everyone”, Halil Pasha was “too
                    pleasant in nature, nor he made himself fear” 128 .
                       In the end, Halil Pasha’s positive features, which were once ideal-
                    ized and instrumentalized, were regarded as the cause of debility and,
                    in fact, undermined his admiralty.


                       Halil Pasha’s overall career has received little attention, and even
                    less attention his career as kapudan pasha. His admiralty was very
                    brief, inconclusive, and left very little documentation. Yet, the existing
                    historical  material  has  proved  that  although  his  possession  of  the

                       126  «No se sabe quien será cabeça desta Armada que si saliere a orden de Cigala abrá
                    mucho que temer y si saliere con ella Halil Baxa será mucho menor el peligro». Íñigo de
                    Mendoza to Philip II, Venice, 31 January 1597, Ags.E, 1676, n. 7.
                       127  «Escriven por buena nueva que Halil Baxa está confirmado por general de la armada
                    de mar siendo como es hombre de ninguna sustancia». Íñigo de Mendoza to Philip II,
                    Venice, 8 February 1597, Ags.E, 1676, n. 8.
                       128  «Parendo che il suo nome solo basti ad apportar terrore a tutti». Girolamo Cap-
                    pello to the Senate, Constantinople, 21 April 1598, Asv, Sdc, 47, fol. 12; «il Re non per
                    altro ha levato il carrico ad Halil che per esser di natura tropo piacevole, ne si faceva
                    temere». Girolamo Cappello to the Senate, Constantinople, 1 May 1598, Asv, Sdc, 47,
                    fol. 14; E. Türkçelik, Meritocracy, Factionalism and Ottoman Grand Admirals cit., p. 103.

                                                  Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Aprile 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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