Page 195 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 195

To contain and control: work organization and poor government in the...   195

                       The  control  of  inmates  followed  also  on  the  external  life  (by
                    regulations  and  permits  to  limit  the  external  life),  as  for  the  Real
                    Albergo  dei  Poveri.  In  this  sense,  the  two  cases  study  could  be
                    considered as “total institution”. Furthermore, it is interesting to note
                    that  the  control  authority  followed  space  and  time  since  the
                    administrator  had  a  whole  control  power,  while  master  artisans
                    controlled the work places and work time. Finally, the chaplains had
                    the power on souls and to the time and space dedicated to them. Also
                    the Hospicio de Pobres in 1806 settled an internal technical school,
                    the  Escuela  Patriotica  (Patriotic  School)  with  the  aim  to  instruct
                    inmates. The program was mainly based on nationalistic and religious
                    education – Mexico was heading towards independence – integrated
                    with basic instruction and, of course, technical education .
                       The control tools within the Hospicio de Pobres clearly refers to a
                    visibility analytic based on records and numbers that much more than
                    physical discipline serve the tasks of discipline on one side, and of
                    workforce extraction on the other.


                       The  work  extraction  and  organization  within  the  two  analysed
                    institutions  seems  to  demonstrate  the  existence  of  a  “contested
                    terrain”,  following  Richard  Edwards’  approach.  The  hypothesis  of
                    three  main  forms  of  organization  to  extract  work  power  –
                    correspondent to three different historical stages – seems visible from
                    reported cases :
                       1) Simple control. It was the primary system to managing workers
                    at the very beginning of industrialization. The worker is subject to a
                    “stick  and  carrot”  system,  consisting  in  an  unsystematic  mix  of
                    sanctions  and  incentives  based  on  the  action  of  the  foremen  and
                    entrepreneur/capitalist himself . It could be associated to the first
                    times  of  industrialization.  The  simple  control  was  a  system  that
                    typified labour organization in the early factories, despite random and
                    imprecise forms of control.

                       59  Agn, Bandos, vol. 22, Prospecto de la Nueva Forma de Gobierno Politico y Economico
                    del Hospicio de Pobres de esta Capital, 1806.
                       60   R.  Edwards,  Contested  Terrain:  The  Transformation  of  the  Workplace  in  the
                    Twentieth Century, Basic Books, New York, 1979, pp. 17 e sgg.; H. Braverman, Labour
                    and monopoly capital: The degradation of work in the twentieth century, Monthly Review
                    Press, New York and London, 1974.
                       61  Ivi, p. 34.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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