Page 194 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 194

194                                                      Roberto Rossi

                   Table 12. Synopsis of Mexico City Poor House regulations (1777)

                  Type of rule                Brief description of rule
                 Social         Every hosted inmate is subject to the administrator of
                                Poor House
                 Social         Every inmate must be recorded on a book with his/her
                                name, sex, age, origin, skills, physical aspect
                 Social         Every inmate must wear the uniform (composed by:
                                trousers, shirt and coat) with Poor House distinctive
                 Social         Every  inmate  according  to  his/her  ability  must  be
                                assigned to a job (weaving cotton and wool for men;
                                spinning wool, cotton or silk and sewing for women)
                 Social         Every  inmate  must  go  out  only  with  a  special
                                authorization of the administrator
                 Social         Must attend a service every day in the morning and
                 Social         Regularly married inmates can live together and not
                                be separated like the others
                 Social         Children  (both  male  and  female)  must  learn  to  read
                                and write
                 Industrial     The  work  of  the  textile  factory  is  organised  by  the
                                master artisan and oversaw by the mayordomo
                 Industrial     The work hour is from 7.30 (6.30 during summer) to
                                11.30 and from 14.00 to 18.00
                 Industrial     The children must learn the workmanship of wool and
                Source: Agn, Bandos, vol. 10, Exp. 18.

                   As  the  Palermo  case,  the  rules  of  Mexico  City  Poor  House  were
                mainly focused on the regulation of everyday life of the inmates (table
                12). An important part of such control is exercised by the distribution
                of time and space; every work task or function was articulated in time
                slots  while  there  was  a  specific  place  for  every  action.  The  use  of
                uniforms represented a means of distinction (to separate and detach
                the  inmates  from  the  “others”).  The  statistic  of  people  is  ensured
                through the maintenance of a personal filing system based on personal
                files reporting physical and personal features .

                   58  Ibidem; Agn, Bandos, vol. 10, Exp. 18.

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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