Page 197 - Mediterranea-ricerche storiche, n. 48, aprile 2020flip
P. 197

To contain and control: work organization and poor government in the...   197

                       Trying to make a comparison between the two institutions, we can
                    see  that  both  present  a  complex  hierarchical  organizational  model
                    with  an  administrator  appointed  by  the  political  power,  while  the
                    financing – at least in the initial phases – came mainly from private
                    individuals (alms and bequests) as well as from the church. While, the
                    public funding only came in a second moment and usually as a form
                    of rescue after a financial crisis of the institution. However, it appears
                    evident that the idea (present in both cases studied) of an institution
                    that should generate profit to maintain itself supports the thesis that
                    alongside the idea of regulating non-integrated subjects, there was the
                    idea of extracting labour from labour power . The coercive form of
                    bureaucracy supported valorisation pressure encouraging subjective
                    socialization that is part of re-educative task of the two reported cases.
                    «The  shift  form  handicraft  and  manufacture  to  large-scale  industry
                    and automation creates the need for technical-scientific training and
                    for greater ideational flexibility on the job» .
                       The  mixed  public/private/church  organizational  model,  which
                    takes  over  in  a  second  phase,  seems  to  be  the  prevalent  solution
                    adopted  to  deal  with  the  problem  of  scarce  resources  for  the
                    functioning and management of poor relief institutions. In both cases
                    it is interesting to note the clearer definition of the care and healing
                    functions  demonstrated  by  the  presence  of  the  infirmary  and
                    formalized medical personnel. The presence of doctor, pharmacist and
                    surgeon already denotes the structuring towards more complex and
                    differentiated forms that will lead to the separation between assistance
                    and care during the nineteenth century.
                       We can see the main differences between the two case studies by
                    going  deeper  into  the  accounting  aspects.  First,  the  weight  of  the
                    wages of the inmate’s weighs, as seen for 2.4% for the Mexico City Poor
                    House and for 8,4% of the total expenses for the Real Albergo dei Poveri
                    in Palermo. Secondly, the expenses for ecclesiastical offices amounted
                    to about 3.5% of the total expenses for the Real Albergo dei Poveri and
                    less than 1% for the Mexico City Poor House. These data allow us to
                    hypothesize,  on  the  one  hand,  a  greater  weight  of  the  work  of  the
                    inmates  for  the  Palermo  case  than  the  Poor  House  of  Mexico  City,
                    although the absence of data on sales does not allow us to go beyond
                    a  simple  hypothesis.  Probably,  this  datum  would  also  denote  a
                    different  market  for  the  products  of  the  Real  Albergo  dei  Poveri  of
                    Palermo – with greater added value since it is silk – compared to the
                    low-quality wool or cotton fabrics produced by the Mexico City Poor

                       67  P.S. Adler, The future of critical management studies cit., p. 1325.
                       68  Ibidem.

                                                 Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Aprile 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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