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P. 136

402                                          Miguel Ángel de Bunes Ibarra

                and  açauras.  There  were  also  many  brigantines,  frigates,  foists  and  some
                galliots. There were 12 papal galleys, 4 from [the Order of the Knights of St.
                John  of]  Malta  under  Aurelio  Botigela,  the  prior  of  Pisa,  15  of  ours  [i.e.
                Spanish] under Álvaro de Bazán, 19 under Andrea Doria, 10 Sicilian galleys
                captained by don Belenguer de Requesens, 9 Genoese galleys, 6 Neapolitan
                galleys under don García de Toledo, another 5 under Antonio Doria and 2
                belonging  to  the  lord  of  Monaco.  In  total  82  very  well-armed  and  richly
                decorated  galleys,  because  each  captain  wanted  his  galley  to  be  the  best
                whether in terms of speed, armaments or beauty 18 .

                   García  Cereceda,  who  took  part  in  the  Tunis  campaign  gives
                completely  different  figures,  however.  He  refers  to  113  high-sided
                vessels, 15 royal galleys – four of them carrying horses – 1 galleon, 1
                nave, 22 caravels and an indeterminate number of galleons and hulks,
                in which were embarked 12,000 Italians and 7,000 German troops, as
                well as the soldiers from Spain and the papal states. As for the galleys
                he  gives  these  figures:  15  Spanish;  3  papal;  13  Neapolitan;  15
                belonging to the Doria family; 4 from Rhodes [meaning perhaps those
                of the Knights of St. John once based in Rhodes, but by then in Malta],
                6 from Sicily and 2 from Palermo (sic.), 2 from Monaco, 12 from Genoa
                and  2  under  Berenguel,  as  well  as  others  belonging  to  unnamed
                individuals .
                   Until  very  recently  we  did  not  even  know  how  important  the
                Portuguese military contingents that arrived in Barcelona on 29 April
                1535 under the command of the infante don Luis were. The fleet was
                made up of 11 galleons, 2 carracks and 2 caravels, and was carrying
                some 1500 men, counting both soldiers and mariners . The Portu-

                   18  Ivi, p. 163: «sin muchos caballeros que traía Maximiliano Ebersteyn, y embarcólos
                en 38 naos, que para esto estaban aderezados en Portuvenere… De manera, pues, que
                tuvo  el  Emperador  por  lista  en  Callar  25.000  soldados,  los  demás  españoles.  Había
                también 2.000 de caballo, los 800 llevaban todos armas, los de malla, que por eso se
                llaman ligeros. Eran los navíos 700, entre chicos y grandes. Había sobre de 70 urcas de
                Flandes, 40 galeones, 100 naves, 25 carabelas portuguesas y otras andaluzas, y demás
                era  tafurcas,  escorpachines,  açauras  y  tales  bajeles,  había  también  muchos
                bergantines, fragatas, fustas y algunas galeotas. Galeras había 12 del Papa, 4 de Malta
                con Aurelio Botigela, prior de Pisa, 15 nuestras con Álvaro de Bazán, 19 de Andrea de
                Oria, 10 de Sicilia cuyo capitán era don Belenguer de Requesens, 9 de Génova, 6 de
                Nápoles con don García de Toledo, 5 de Antonio de Oria, 2 del señor de Mónaco. Así que
                todas eran 82, muy bien armadas y ricamente guarnecidas, porque cada capitán quería
                que sus galeras fuesen las mejores de remo, armas y gala».
                   19   M.  García  Cereceda,  Tratado  de  las  campañas  y  otros  acontecimientos  de  los
                ejércitos del emperador Carlos V, Sociedad de Bibliófilos Españoles, Madrid, 1873, vol.
                II, pp. 13-21.
                   20  J.V. Pissarra, O galeào S. Joâo (c1530-1551). Dados para una monografía, in I.
                Guerreiro, F. Contente Domingues (eds.), Fernando Oliveira e o seu tempo: humanismo

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141