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«No great glory in chasing a pirate». The manipulation of news during the 1535   441

                    From the imperial court, the English ambassador informed Henry VIII
                    that «Barbarossa ... invaded, with 30 galleys ... he slew and took 3,000,
                    sparing no age, besides setting everything on fy[re]» 134 . The Bishop of
                    Mâcon wrote that 1000 Christians had been impaled and more than
                    4,000 enslaved 135 . These reports circulated alongside other false news
                    that the Muslim forces had retaken Tunis and La Goleta, where the
                    imperial garrison had been massacred. This information was sent from
                    Rome  to  Portugal  and  France  and  thence  to  England 136 .  It  was
                    reported that Henry VIII had shown «great pleasure and joy» at the
                    news 137 . Other rumours in Rome that October described the situation
                    in La Goleta as untenable and the emperor was said to still be in Sicily
                    because he was too scared of Barbarossa to sail to Naples 138 . At the
                    end of that month, the French ambassador in England disseminated
                    news that Barbarossa had regained Tunis, Bona and La Goleta, to the
                    delight of Henry VIII and his court, and the disgust of Chapuys who
                    denounced this «false piece of intelligence» in vain 139 . On 3 October the
                    English ambassador in France reported that the emperor’s victory in
                    Tunis mattered little to Francis I and his advisers now. What would
                    make a real difference was whether Süleyman defeated the Sophy and
                    retaliated, at which point Francis I «will little esteem the Emperor’s
                    peace, and will begin to practise for the annoyance of the Emperor, as
                    formerly, and, as it is said, he now begins to do» 140 . Not long after this
                    they  learnt  that  Süleyman  had  made  a  favourable  peace  with  the
                    Sophy 141 .
                       The disaster in Mahón merged with and neutralised the positive
                    impact  of  the  emperor’s  victory  in  Tunis  even  in  Spain.  On  30
                    September 1535 the empress Isabel, governor of the Spanish realms,
                    reported  that  she  had  carried  out  the  emperor’s  instructions  to
                    disseminate everywhere by letters and in print his victory in Tunis and
                    La Goleta, and the treaty with Mulay Hassan, as well as the emperor’s
                    explanation why he had not proceeded to attack Algiers. She warned
                    him,  however,  that  as  the  devastating  sack  of  Mahón  and  other
                    Ottoman-corsair attacks were already well known, these publications

                       134  LP, ix, n. 490, [A servant of Pate] to Master Philyp [Hoby?] who sent it to Cromwell,
                    Palermo, [30 September 1535].
                       135  V.-L. Bourrilly (ed.), Lettres Rabelais cit., p. 49, n. 2, 20   October 1535.
                       136  LP, ix, n. 526, Wallop’s News, 3 October 1535.
                       137  Csp Sp, 5(1), n. 222, Chapuys to Granvelle, 1 November 1535.
                       138  Du Bellay, II, pp. 125-126, Du Bellay to Chasseneuf, 20 October 1535.
                       139  Csp Sp, 5 (1), n. 222, Chapuys to Granvelle, 1 November 1535.
                       140  LP, ix, n. 526, Wallop’s News, Dijon, 3 October 1535.
                       141  Charrière, I, p. 277, Bishop Lavaur to Montmorency, Rome, 29 September 1535.

                                                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XVII - Agosto 2020
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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