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Nathan  Ron,  Nicholas  of  Cusa  and   tioned, having even copied some parts
                    Muhammad:  A  Critical  Revisit,  Peter   of the Contra principales errores perfidi
                    Lang, New York, 2023, pp.104        Machometi  of  Torquemada  in  his
                                                        Epistula. Ron argues that, unlike the
                       Nathan Ron’s Nicholas of Cusa and   Cribratio, De Pace Fidei and its nature
                    Muhammad:  A  Critical  Revisit  is  a   as  a  “fictional  dialogue”  does  not
                    monograph  published  by  Peter  Lang   constitute a source of inspiration for
                    on the famous humanist’s mainly two   the  Epistula  of  Pius  II.  Here  it  is
                    works  entitled  Cribratio  Alkorani,  (A   important to mention that the idea in
                    Scrutiny  of  the  Qur’an)  and  De  Pace   the  Cribratio  Alkorani  was  the  as-
                    Fidei (On the Peace of the Faith) as well   sertion  that  the  Qur’an  and  Islam
                    as his other writings including some   were a tampered form of the Bible and
                    of  his  sermons.  Ron  scrutinizes  the   of  Christianity  and  thus  the  Koran
                    contemporary  idea  of  “inter-religious   was substantially a plagiarism of the
                    dialogue”  and  argues  whether  ascri-  Bible. The author further claims that
                    bing it to Nicholas of Cusa’s De Pace   the  Cribratio  Alcorani  was  not  only
                    Fidei  by  contemporary  writers  is   inspired  by  the  Contra  Legem  Sara-
                    anachronistic at best.              cenorum c. 1300 (Against the Saracen
                       The  renown  Epistula  ad  Mahu-  Law)  of  Ricoldo  da  Montecroce,  but
                    metem of Pius II was inspired by two   that  Cusanus  also  asked  Dionysius
                    works:  the  Cribratio  Alkorani  of   the  Carthusian  (Denis  van  Rijke,  c.
                    Nicholas  of  Cusa  (1401–1464)  and   1402-1471)  to  compose  a  book
                    Contra  principales  errores  perfidi   against  the  Qur’an.  Ron  writes  that,
                    Machometi  (Against  the  Principal   indeed Dionysius’ book entitled Con-
                    Errors of the Perfidious Mohammed) by   tra  Perfidiam  Mahumeti  was  indeed
                    Juan  de  Torquemada  (1388–1468).   used by Cusanus and that a copy of it
                    The  former  was  a  German  cardinal   is  found  in  the  Codex  Cusanus  and
                    and  the  latter  one  was  one  of  the   Cusanus   mentioned   using   the
                    major  supporters  on  the  idea  of   aforementioned  book  for  composing
                    crusade  (together  with  Bessarion)  at   the Cribratio Alkorani.
                    the  Congress  of  Mantua.  Pius  is   In  another  Vatican  manuscript
                    supposed to have received the infor-  written  by  Giovanni  Battista  Gigli,
                    mation  on  Islam  in  his  famous   dedicated  to  Pope  Paul  V,  entitled  Il
                    writing,  from  these  two  works  men-  Maomettano (The Mohammedan) dated

                                               Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Dicembre 2023
                                                           ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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