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660                                                 Recensioni e Schede

                1613  in  the  following  two  centuries   as  a  proponent  of  dialogue  or  tole-
                following  Cusanus’  views  of  Islam   rance towards Islam. In fact, he adds
                persisted  exactly  in  the  same  way.   that Cusanus argued that Muham-
                According  to  Gigli,  Muhammad  was   mad  was  ignorant,  ambitious,  lu-
                the false prophet of the Devil, an evil   stful  and  an  agent  of  Satan  who
                man whose origins were obscure, as to   dictated  the  Qur’an  to  him  and
                whether  he  was  Persian  or  an  Arab.   “heretical Christians” (mainly Nesto-
                His father was an idol worshipper and   rians)  as  well  as  “perverted  Jews”
                his  mother  was  an  Ishmailite  (here   assisted him in his endeavour. Islam
                meant  as  adherent  to  the  prophet   being  a  religion  of  Abrahamic  tra-
                Ismail,  the  first  son  of  Abraham.   dition  posterior  to  Christianity,  it
                Meaning the mother was an Arab) who   clashes with the Christian vision of
                knew  about  the  old  Abrahamic   Christ being the true saviour of the
                tradition. As a result, “il fanciullo tirato   human kind. Furthermore, there are
                hora  da  questa  parte,  hora  a  quella,   two figures in the Islamic tradition,
                diventato  né  gentile  né  ebreo”  (the   Bahīr and Waraqa.
                child was pulled towards this and that   It  is  true  that  these  persons
                side  and  ended  up  to  be  neither   existed  in  the  Islamic  sources.  The
                gentile nor Jewish) (Giovanni Battista   former  was  a  Christian  monk
                Gigli, Il Maomettano di Gio. Batta Gigli.   (probably  Nestorian)  who  foretold
                Alla  Santità  dil  Papa  Paolo   the  prophecy  of  Muhammad,  as
                Quinto Romano. Origine della Turchia   Muhammad  visited  a  convent  in
                et Costantinopoli, ordini et leggi Maho-  Syria with his uncle Abū Tālib. The
                mettani,  Roma:  1613,  Città  del   second  was  the  famous  Waraqa,  a
                Vaticano:  Biblioteca  Apostolica  Vati-  relation  of  Khadija,  Muhammad's
                cana:  Barb.  Lat.  4,  f.2v).  Therefore,   first  wife,  who  assured  Khadija  of
                Gigli  says  that  Mohammed  accor-  the  divine  inspiration  that  Muha-
                dingly learned from both cultures and   mmad  began  to  receive  from  the
                laws from his parents and abandoned   angel  Gabriel.  Waraqa  is  especially
                both of them, to establish his heretic   respected in the Islamic tradition, in
                creed, not an independent religion.   spite  of  being  a  Christian  (at  least
                   Within  the  same  line,  in  Ron’s   known to follow the Judeo-Christian
                book we see the thorough examina-  scriptures) and is one of the persons
                tion  of  identical  earlier  arguments   who  are  promised  entry  into  Pa-
                given  by  Cusanus  in  his  Cribratio   radise. Therefore, most of the ideas
                when he says that Muhammad was     of  Cusanus  actually  follow  certain
                guided  by  Satan,  deceived  and   elements of the Islamic tradition.
                manipulated  by  the  Jews  and  in-  According to Ron, Cusanus iden-
                spired  by  the  heretic  Nestorians  in   tified  Muhammad  as  “the  beast”
                composing the Qur’an. In fact, Ron   preceding  Antichrist  in  the  Book  of
                dedicated  between  pages  15-37  to   Revelation.  He  considered  Islam  a
                these  arguments  and  a  scrutinous   religion  of  the  sword  and  even  the
                comparison  between  the  Cribratio   Nostra  Aetate  of  1965  refuses  to
                Alkorani  and  De  Pace  Fidei  within   recognize Muhammad as the prophet,
                the themes of the Trinity, paradise,   which is one of the main two tenets of
                Abraham,  the  Jewish  manipulation   Islam  together  with  the  oneness  of
                of  Muhammad  and  circumcision.   God.  It  is  no  surprise  that  from  the
                Ron  makes  a  justified  criticism  of   earliest exegeses of the Qur’an to the
                modern scholars who take Cusanus   modern ones, it is commented that the

                Mediterranea - ricerche storiche - Anno XX - Dicembre 2023
                ISSN 1824-3010 (stampa)  ISSN 1828-230X (online)
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